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 Meet our partner teachers 


Maiia Seliatina


I'm a teacher of languages from Odesa, Ukraine. I've been teaching for more than fifteen years now.


I live in a beautiful city by the Black Sea, with my beloved daughter and two pets, a cat and a dog.


I consider myself a happy person because I have everything I could only dream of. I'm looking forward to working in the project with my new colleagues and learn new interesting things.



I am from İzmir and I am teaching in Aydın, Turkey. My ancestors were from Skopje, Yugoslavia (North Macedonia now) but they came to İzmir in 1909.

My two cats and I share their flat and they let me live with them.  

It is my 18th year in teaching and I love my students. Being an English teacher was my dream and it came true. I hope this project will both teach us and contribute our understanding of each other.


Hello from Turkey. I am Ayfer Bayrak . I am from a small city in Turkey. I live with my husband and four-year-old daughter.


I have been teaching English to high school students since 2003. I lived and worked in İstanbul for 18 years. A few weeks ago, I moved to my hometown Uşak after 22 years. I started a new school.


I am very excited about the project because I'll work on it with my new students. My students are 14-18. I am pleased to meet you all. I am sure I'll learn a lot from all of you.


Hello everyone! I am an English teacher and I work at a high school with the students aged between 14-18. I have been teaching  English since 2003. My students and I are eager to learn and discover new things. So, this project will be a new adventure for us.  

I live in İzmir. It is a beautiful city located in the west coast of Turkey. We are four at home: me, my husband, my little daughter and Bingo, our bird. We enjoy spending time together.

I am not very experienced in such projects; this is just my second year. But, I am very willing to be part of it, and improve myself not only as a teacher but also as a world person.


Sniežana Slavinskienė

I am an English teacher from Lithuania. I have been teaching English for 20 years. I like my job as it is endlessly creative, flexible and interesting.


I think I am a contemporary teacher and a dynamic person, constantly changing and moving forward. I am inovative as well, not afraid of experimenting, trying inovations in the teaching process.


I try to inspire my students so that they could unfold and progress. The most important thing is to believe in your students!!! My students are 8-19. I love them a lot.


Agnieszka Boruch

I am an English teacher at a primary school in Kadzidło. My students are 12-15 years old.

I have been a teacher for fourteen years.  My students and I are eager to gain new friends and experience.
I live in a village in a house with a lot of greenery, together with my husband, son and a lovely Bernese mountain dog. 

I am keen on sport. I work out at a gym, run and rollerblade(if the weather is fine).

I fell honoured to be a part of this project and work with all of you, dear Partners!!!

Cristina Silva

Hi! I am an English teacher in Portugal.


I love projects because I think students and teachers learn a lot with project work. International collaboration is, for me an important way of improving students' creativity , autonomy and critical thinking.

I love listening to music and going to the beach.

I wish I was more active in terms of physical activity, I'm too lazy.


Rasa Tėpelė

Hello from Lithuania! My name's Rasa. I come from a small but cozy town of Telšiai where I live with my family and two lovely dogs.

I've been teaching English for twenty years. I teach gymnasium students and adults.

Outdoor activities are my favourite but I also like watching crime stories.  
Hope to contribute to this project, meet new colleagues and learn new things :) 


Giedrė Šidlauskienė

Hi! I am an English teacher from Lithuania. My hometown is Šiauliai, people sometimes call our city - The Sun City. 

I've been teaching English for 20 years already. I am crazy about using different apps in my classes. I am also active eTwinning and Erasmus projects member. 

My hobby is sports, I work out in the gym four times a week. During summer break I always read some books. 

I am glad that this year my students and I will have an opportunity to work with a big group of students and teachers from many different countries!

Maria Mishakina

I'm an English teacher at Odesa Teacher's College in Ukraine.


This is my first participation in such a project and it was new but informative for me. I've been studying English since 2003.


My hobby is singing and playing the guitar and violin. I would be glad to meet new friends.

Amanda Hernández-Martínez

Hello there! 👋🏻 I'm Amanda Hernández-Martínez, teacher of English for five years, four of them in CES Samaniego.


I am an English Philologist who would like to transmit my passion for English Literature and Grammar to my students using ICT. Currently, I am teaching pupils from 12 years old to Vocational Training.


I am sure this eTwinning Project will help my students improve their language and cultural skills. Working with teachers and students from different countries will enrich our perspective of the world.

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Jovita Žilinskienė

Hi from Lithuania :)


Here's a bit about me:

family and hometown, professional development, students, eTwinning, Erasmus+, achievements (Top 3 finalist of the Most Innovative Languages teachers in Lithuania, 2021), awards, Fulbright, Cascading knowledge, technologies and hobbies


Katarina Jedinakova

Hello from Slovakia! I have been teaching for 11 years with one break for maternity leave. I  teach in the Secondary Vocational Technical School in Prešov, in the East of Slovakia.


I am really happy to start this project because I love travelling and getting know new people. And I do my best to share this love with my students. I try to teach them to be tolerant, curious and open-minded to the world around. This is my first project so be patient, please:) 

Shadia Alnaaneah

Hello everyone, your colleague Shadia from Jordan is a general science teacher for the basic stage, life sciences and geology, my university major is geology, and I have a master’s degree in curricula and teaching methods, and my teaching experience is 14 years.

I have two sons, 12 and 11 years old, and they are the secret to continuing to live optimistically with them and my source of inspiration despite their young age. : To fall to learn to stand stronger ... and now I am happy to get to know you and share with you

Mehmet Sağlam

Hello  from Turkey,İzmir.I have been teaching in a high school for over 20 years. As a teacher, I can positively influence a child’s way of thinking or doing. Essentially, I can be the positive influence in their lives. That is one of the reasons why my students and i have been involved  in this project.


I strongly believe that this cooperation will broaden my students' horizon.It is a big honour  to be a part of it.


As for me,I am married with one daughter. My wife is a teacher,too. I am keen on music.I fancy playing a local intrument named Bağlama. That's all from me. All the best, dear colleagues!

Müzeyyen YILMAZ

This is Müzeyyen, from Aydın, Turkey.
I am an English teacher at Science High School. I've been teacher for 14 years. This year 'll be my 12th year at same school.
I love being with teenage students and working at projects with other students around the world. I hope this project will be a great chance for all. 

I live in Aydın, with my family; my husband and my son aged 6.

I am glad to be part of this project and willing to know more about my colleagues, our students and our funny little worlds.

Yana Ortina

Hi everyone!

I'm Yana from Odesa, Ukraine. I teach foreign languages. I like my job, my beautiful city, my friends and my amazing niece and nephew. They are twelve and seven. They are very funny, clever and creative.


I like travelling and visiting theatres, too. I am a sociable person, so, I have a lot of friends. I like to socialize with them in my free time.


I look forward to working in this project.

Ewelina Tarsa

Hello! I'm a high school teacher and I've been teaching English for almost ten years now. I live in Cracow, second largest city in Poland.


My hobbies include music, literature, languages, and cooking. I like collaborating with people of all ages all around the world, sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and developing a common strategy, that's why eTwinning projects are the best!


I'm very happy to be part of this wonderful team this year and hope to get to know all of you.

Akif Yavuz

Valentina Lamaj


Olena Horina

My name is Olena. I teach English at an Odesa school. I have a small family, my husband, he is a doctor, my only daughter, Vera, she is 12, she goes fencing, and me.

I like working in eTwinning projects and meeting new colleagues and friends.

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