Digital inventions/ Mindmaps
The students creating digital avatars, devices, animals, worlds, etc.
The common storyjumper book
Here are transnational Teams:
Digital Life, Digital Schools and Learning, Digital Pets, Digital Homes, Digital Friends
Digital Schools and Digital Learning
Discuss in the forum about digital schools:
Discuss in the forum about digital schools:
Digital Life
Digital Homes
Digital Pets
Digital Friends
Digital Era Magazine
This is the product of transnational team work:
Learning exercises
The students are adding to the answergarden app any words related to the topic "Digital Era":
Here are learning exercices. These exercices were created according to the students' answers in the "Answer Garden".
Play and enjoy them!
Chatroom activity
We did a chatroom activity on April, 14. The students discussed how digitalized their life is, the pros and cons, etc. Here is the document of that activity.