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About the project
"Our Funny Little Worlds"

Main details

Name: Our Funny Little Worlds


The range of students’ ages: 10-17


The duration of the project: 9 months

It addresses to the issues connected with the teenagers' lives' values:

The basic idea of this project is to create a real connection and friendship between the partner students. The students will get to know each other, share information and experiences and improve their communication, language and ICT skills at the same time. Students will learn to discuss different matters freely and connect them to their own lives.

During the project the students will be encouraged to be creative and propose ideas. The students will work in the teams of mixed nationalities and of mixed roles. The teachers will monitor the students' work and act as coordinators. In each module a topic will be dealt.

The project bases on 8 themes about teenagers’ life: School Life, Future Plans, Legendary Figures, Traditions, Travelling, Festivals, Digital Era, Modern Heroes and Heroines. It will take about 3-4 weeks to carry out the activities in each module.

The uniqueness lies in its structure: it bases on 8 modules about teenagers’ life.


Each module is the an international team and, at the same time, a small project in a bigger one. In each module, a lot of attention will be paid to development and improvement of the students' writing and language skills.


The unique project's structure will allow the partners to choose and participate in those teams which are integrated in their school curriculum best.

We will integrate these issues focusing on the EDUCATIONAL, ENTERTAINING and CONSOLIDATING  roles of partners.

Within the scope of  this project we aim to:
- Encourage students to get to know each other and become friends;

- Develop students’ abilities to communicate in foreign language, share information and collaborate virtually;

- Enhance students’ ICT skills;

- Enhance students’ understanding and knowledge of European countries and cultures;

- Develop cultural awareness and foster team work;

- Develop and improve the students' writing, grammar, language, communicative skills.

Окрашенный Space
Окрашенный Space

We will carry out
the project through:

- Learning activities;

- Posters, logos, comics making;

- Video presentations;

- Publications;

- Pictures;

- Essays;

- Common online activities, etc ...

Окрашенный Space

Teaching methods and techniques used in the project work:

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1) Brainstorming

In our project, our students effectively used the TwinBoard, the forum as well as such tools as answergarden, padlet,, tricider to exchange and share ideas about the topics and project activities.

2) Individual and Group Research

The students searched for various information on the project’s topics and presented it to their partners during online meetings, added it to the forum threads and the TwinSpace pages.

3) Cooperative Learning

The students actively worked together doing the project activities like creating stories, adverts, reports, recipes, articles and other forms of writing activities which helped to improve and practice a lot their grammar, vocabulary, writing and speaking comprehensions.

4) Team work

The students worked in mixed teams which helped them improve their cooperative skills.

5) Technology Based Learning

The students used different ICT and online tools such as learningapps, wordwall, storyjumper to learn new things and improve their knowledge received at school lessons.

6) Learning by Discovery

Due to the project work the students learned a lot about both their countries and their partners’ countries, traditions, customs, attractions, cuisines.

7) Presentation

The students made and introduced during online meetings their presentations on the project’s topics.

8) Creative Thinking

The students performed the project’s activities in creative ways they thought of individually or in teams.

9) Debate and round table

The students offered and discussed the ideas concerning the project’s activities, chose the best variants, exchanged opinions improving their speaking skills, learned to present and prove their thoughts.

10) Learning by Doing and Experiencing

The students learned new knowledge on the project’s topics, improved and practices their grammar, vocabulary, writing, storytelling, language, ICT and other important skills by doing different project’s activities and collaborating.

Фиолетовая Планета

Teaching methods and techniques used in the project work:


Besides other activities, the project was focused on such topics as School Life, Future Plans, Legendary Figures, Traditions, Travel, Festivals, Digital Era, Modern Heroes and Heroines. Within the school curriculum, the students learned these topics vocabulary, practised its usage in writing and speaking tasks.


Also, they paid a lot of attention to improving their knowledge and practical skills in the usage of grammar tenses, various speech patterns. They learned to write essays, advertisements, short and long comments, stories, descriptions, recipes, comics, presentations, reports. They had good practice in making oral presentations, reports, exchanging opinions during online meetings as well.


The students used in the project’s activities their knowledge received in such school subjects as languages, geography, history, culture studies, IT studies, mass media studies, literature, sociology.


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